Pieter van Noordennen

pieter portrait

Meet Pieter

Creative technology executive passionate about advanced technology and the people who build it. I craft teams that rally around the hardest problems and generate lasting impact. I am a champion of healthy cultures, a growth mindset, and the creative process.

I've recently made the leap to full-time AI Product and Growth consulting under The Dennen Group, and am helping companies build AI product and growth strategies.

Previously, I was VP of Growth at Slim.AI, a PLG-driven dev-tools startup part of the BoldStart and Insight Partners portfolios.

Before Slim, I was a a product leader at TripAdvisor, where I focused on AI/ML-driven projects leveraging user-generated content. I began my career as a journalist for major national publications, including Money, Forbes, and Outside.

What You Should Know About Me

I'm a product-led growth advocate who believes products should sell themselves and that loops are better than funnels. I lead scaled experiementation teams running dozens of A/B tests a week and making decisions based on hard data. I leapt into startup-land for the opportunity to build and implement my own Growth team, strategy, and model. I optimize for learning, and life at a fast-growing early-stage company has plenty of it.

My superpower is being able to frame the opportunities and risks of new technologies in a way business leaders can understand. I can see how technology is going to change a market and leverage those changes to develop new products in a competitive landscape.

While a content person at heart, I'm crazy about new technologies and how they impact industry. Right now, I'm learning Generative AI tools including LangChain, LLMs, and voice-recognition and applying those tools to cloud-native cybersecurity.

I believe everyone should have a chance to be successful regardless of their background or social status and served as Board Chair of the Generation Citizen New England for two years. I'm still actively involved with organizations in Boston seeking to help empower young people.

I believe it is a leader's job to level up the employees in their organization.